Mr. Gorbachev Tear Down This Wall... : Only My Opinion
Malaysia Flight 370
Craig's Blog 
Just My Opinion 

Somebody knows what happened to MH370 don't you think? It's been more than a week and the governments of the world reportedly can't locate a Boeing 777-200 aircraft. Keep in mind this aircraft is 209 feet in length with a wingspan of 199 feet. The tail is slightly more than 60 feet high. In other words, this thing is big. If you've ever stood next to one on the tarmac it seems even bigger. 

The latest news they are dispensing is that this beast of an aircraft flew for up to 6 or 7 hours, over many countries, completely undetected by both civilian and military radar and satellites. Does this seem likely to you? Have you seen pictures from google maps and satellite imaging? There are images of you washing your car in your driveway. So ask yourself again, is it possible there is no trace of this aircraft. 

If there was a catastrophic incident and the plane exploded there would be identifiable wreckage. If it flew for hours and landed somewhere in a remote area there would be radar detection or satellite images. 

Governments never tell us what they don't want us to know. Weapons of mass destruction.  Agent Orange. Pearl Harbor. TWA flight 800. UA flight 93 on September 11, 2001. 

Somebody knows. Just my opinion.

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Mr. Gorbachev Tear Down This Wall...

by craig johnson on 01/04/19

President Trump should take a lesson from the Great Communicator Ronald Reagan at the Brandenburg Gate. Walls are not the answer to border security. Technology has long surpassed the need for a physical barrier across a thousands mile long border where long stretches cannot even physically accommodate a wall. I've never met a person against border security only against out-dated and non-essential ineffective exorbitantly expensive political props. 

Come on Trump let eight hundred thousand workers get back to their jobs and paychecks. Let our citizens do business with the shut down departments. Let the farmers get their subsidy checks you promised them because of your failed trade war. Take the deal that you said was okay before you said it wasn't ok when Rush and Laura criticized you for attempting to govern. Can the apprentice learn or just continue to flail hopelessly in the wind blaming and ranting and tweeting while sinking our country into abyss. 

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